Advanced SEO Webinar sponsored by Crexendo and ICMA

September 30

8.00 MST/16.00 Amsterdam

Basic SEO Strategies
In this web marketing session you will learn
How To:
  • outrank your local competition in the search engines
  • grow your business on a national level
  • get your site to the top of Google
  • drive traffic to your website for FREE

Plus these traffic-grabbing strategies:
  • Google and other search engines decide which web pages get top positions in natural search results
  • ...the importance of inbound links from authoritative websites
  • to Avoid the Landmines, or the Do’s and Don’ts of Search Engine Optimization
  • to build off-page and on-page ranking factors
  • ...the Strategic Keyword concepts that matter most, like:
    • Strategic Keyword Selection
    • Keyword Density & Distribution
    • Keyword Nesting
    • Meta Tags and Headlines
    • Deep Indexing
    • and many more...